Issued: October – December 2007
- Editorial, Letters & E-mails
- Diary Dates, Sales & Wants
- Chairman’s Chat
- News Update
- Japan Revisted 2007
- Japanese Railway Museums (Part 23) The Railway Museum
- Railway Museum Preview Bullet Train Car No. 22-141 at the National Railway Museum, York
- Steam and Cherry Blossom Tour 2007 (Part 2)
- A Curious Incident on the Fukui Electric Railway
- Tramway Openings and Closure Dates (Part 2)
- Locomotive Profiles: EF64 and EH200
- Private Diesel Railways of Japan
- Grape or Chocolate; Which do you prefer?
- JRS Shop and Library
- Book Review
- Model-In: My Vintage 3-rail O-gauge Trains
- M.G. Sharp Advertisement
Front cover: Top: EH200-5 at Shinonoi, 24-4-2006, photo by Bruce Tilley
Bottom left: Ex-Gifu 776/777, Fukui EkiMae to TawaraMachi, photo by Colin Brown, bottom right: Fukui trams, ex-Gifu 888/889, 13-2-2007, photo by Mike Joynt