The Shizuoka Train Festa is an annual model railway show held at the Shizuoka Convention and Arts Centre “Granship” located next to Higashi-Shizuoka station. This year’s show was held on the weekend of 24/25 May, and the photos here were taken on Saturday 24th. A large number of layouts were present, representing most of the popular gauges and scales from N gauge up. Many of the larger scale layouts consisted of little more than track set up on bare baseboards with minimal scenery. This is common practice in Japan, as shows like this are often the only time when club members can run full-length trains on large layouts.
In addition to club layouts, there was also a small number of sales stands from local railway operators with some selling souvenirs and railwayana
A double-headed steam train gives rides for children outside the exhibition centre.
Overview of the main ground-floor exhibition hall.
Another overview of the main ground-floor exhibition hall.
N gauge layout of the Shizuoka Railway Society.
Tonakai Model Railway Club HO gauge layout.
A simple N gauge layout was set up to allow small children to have a go at operating trains.
Scratchbuilt 0 gauge model of the 500 series shinkansen. This full 16-car train was nearly 9 metres long.
Scratchbuilt 0 gauge model of the experimental JR-East AC Train.
Large-scale scratchbuilt EH500 articulated electric locomotive and container train on the Club Jordan layout.
A #13 scale (13 mm gauge) DD51 diesel loco on the Proto Thirteen Club layout.
HO gauge EF210 electric locomotive.
Oliver Mayer's playground module on the Nagoya Model Railroad Club's HOn scale layout.
N gauge EF64-1000 electric locomotive hauls a rake of Kato Taki1000 tank wagons on the Club Liner layout.
N gauge EF200 electric locomotive in "Kobe 2000" livery hauls an E3 Komachi shinkansen train complete with barier wagon on the Club Liner layout.
N gauge shinkansen depot lineup on the Club Liner layout.