Issued: November 2023
* Editorial, Chairman’s Chat, Shop
* News Update
* Notes from a First Time Disabled Traveller
* The Opening of Utsunomiya Light Rail
* ‘Tram 17, Where are you?’ The Mystery of a Narrow Gauge Kyōto Tram
* Fumikiri Paradise: Railway Crossings
* JR Tōkai’s Takayama Line
* Hisatsu-sen Again
* Book Review: ‘Tōkyō Express’
* Old and New
* Timetable Matters (8)
* Model-In: OJ Gauge Modelling
* Model-In: Romance and Reality of Models
* Model-In: Nagoya Model Railroad Club
Front cover: Utsunomiya Light Rail has opened! The photo shows car HU314 at Kiyohara District Civic Center on 16th October 2023. Photo: Billy Bunda. (See pages 16 to 19.)